Category: Internet of Things

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Adapting to 4IR: As Small Businesses

Adapting to 4IR: As Small Businesses

This article will discuss in great detail how adapting to 4IR can equip a small business into doing better. We refer to the Fourth Industrial Revolution as the current quick technology change that has been happening. Advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, and the internet of things fuel these developments. In turn, this has resulted in...


Product Hunt Launch: Few tips

Here are a few tips to help you have a successful Product Hunt launch. Be mindful that this article is not about preparing you for a product hunt launch but giving you the best articles that will help you. I think this ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿฝ is the most impressive 5,000 words I have ever read on Product...


Django Image Gallery Website

In this tutorial, we are going to be Building a Django Image Gallery Website. This will accept a user-submitted picture, and then host it online. You must be wondering why one would want to to have an image gallery website, so I have listed few reasons: You can easily share images with anyone. Having an...

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